Maribyrnong Dental Clinic with Affordable Rates
Sunshine Dental Group is a passionate team of dentists that have been serving the residents of the western suburbs since 1977. With a focus on comprehensive, affordable and individualised care, we give our patients everything they need to look good, feel great and lead a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are an individual or family, our dentist near Maribyrnong can give you the best standard of treatment in a convenient location and easy payment plans.
See one of our cosmetic dentists and look a million dollars
Don’t let that toothache or broken crown become a dental nightmare
Get in touch with Maribyrnong Dentist Today
To schedule a booking or make an enquiry with Maribyrnong dentist, give us a call on (03) 9311 1056. You can also make appointments 24/7 through our online booking system.
Bulk billing available for those eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule
This Medicare benefit allows eligible children from 2-17 years old to receive basic treatment from a dentist up to $1,000 over a two-year period. We are proud to bulk bill for children who qualify under this scheme as well as patients holding a valid DVA Gold Card. To find out more about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, enquire with Medicare on 132 011.