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Not sure if you need braces or clear aligners? Talk about teeth straightening in Melbourne with the team at Sunshine Dental Group. Contact us today on (03) 9311 1056 to schedule a check-up.

Traditional Braces or Clear Aligners – Which is the Best Option for Me?

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, the choice between traditional braces and clear aligners can be a personal one. To make an informed decision, let’s explore the key aspects of each option to help you decide which might be the best fit for your orthodontic journey.

Traditional Braces

Braces are typically made of metal or porcelain and are affixed to your teeth. Their metal wires and rubber bands apply gentle yet effective force to guide your teeth into their correct positions. One of the tried-and-true methods for addressing a wide range of orthodontic issues, braces are suitable for complex cases.


  • Applicable to All Cases:One significant advantage of traditional braces is their versatility. Unlike some orthodontic options that may have limitations, braces can effectively treat all types of orthodontic cases. This means braces are a viable option regardless of your situation’s complexity.
  • Variety of Braces:There are various types of braces available for you to choose from. You can have your traditional metal braces personalised with coloured bands if desired. Additionally, you can choose porcelain braces if you want a more discreet option that blends in with your natural tooth colour.
  • Compliance:Since braces are affixed to your teeth, you won’t need to worry about forgetting to wear them or losing them. For patients who struggle with self-discipline in adhering to aligner wear schedules, the permanence of braces can be an advantage.


  • Hygiene Challenges:Keeping your teeth clean with braces can be more challenging than aligners. Inadequate cleaning can lead to damage to your teeth, potentially necessitating the removal of braces before achieving the optimal result.
  • Diet Modification:Braces require some dietary modifications. Hard foods and nighttime grinding can lead to breakages that may slow down or disrupt your treatment progress. Patients with braces are also more susceptible to decay, requiring avoiding sugary and sticky foods. Poor diet and subpar hygiene can lead to issues.
  • Comfort Issues:Braces have a higher likelihood of causing discomfort, as the brackets and wires can occasionally rub against the cheeks and lips. While the level of discomfort varies among individuals, this can be a consideration for those involved in sports or other activities.
  • Visible Appearance:Traditional braces, even the more discreet porcelain ones, are generally more noticeable than clear aligners. This visibility can concern individuals depending on their occupation, hobbies, and preferences.
  • Appointment Requirements:Appointments for braces tend to be longer and more involved. Active adjustments are performed in the chair during these appointments. Depending on your specific treatment plan, you may require more frequent visits than other orthodontic options.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are crafted from transparent plastic and are custom-made to fit your teeth precisely. They utilise a series of aligners, which exert controlled pressure on your teeth, allowing for precise and gradual adjustments.

One significant benefit of clear aligners is their discreet appearance. They are virtually invisible, making them an attractive option for those who wish to keep their orthodontic treatment less noticeable.


  • Appearance:These aligners are customised to fit your teeth precisely and are made of clear, transparent material, making them less noticeable than traditional braces.
  • Diet Freedom:Clear aligners provide the flexibility to remove them when eating. As a result, your diet remains unaffected, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods without constraints. In contrast, some foods can be challenging or uncomfortable to eat with braces and may lead to breakages, requiring additional repairs visits.
  • Hygiene Ease:Since clear aligners are removable, oral hygiene is straightforward. You can remove them to brush and floss normally. This is a crucial advantage, as cleaning your teeth with braces in place can be challenging for many patients.
  • Appointment Convenience:Clear aligners are designed based on a pre-planned tooth movement strategy created by your dentist. As a result, the visits to your dentist’s practice are typically simpler and, in some cases, may require fewer overall appointments. This offers convenience to individuals with busy lifestyles.
  • Comfort:Clear aligners are generally more comfortable than traditional braces. While some initial tooth tenderness may occur as your teeth move, the smooth plastic aligner is gentler on the lips and cheeks, unlike metal or porcelain braces. This comfort aspect is particularly relevant for contact or semi-contact sports individuals.


  • Compliance:Clear aligners must be worn for approximately 22 hours daily to achieve optimal results. They should only be removed for eating and cleaning. Compliance with the recommended wear schedule is essential for the success of your treatment.
  • Visibility of Removal:Some patients may feel self-conscious about removing their aligners in public, mainly when eating. Overcoming this feeling of shyness or embarrassment can be a consideration for some individuals.
  • Effectiveness:While clear aligners can address many orthodontic cases, they may need to be more suitable for complex situations. In such instances, your orthodontist may recommend traditional braces for more precise results.
  • Cost:In some instances, the cost of clear aligners may be higher than traditional braces. However, the expense can vary and may be similar or the same in many situations. Discussing the cost of your treatment options with your orthodontist before deciding is essential.

Making An Informed Decision

Choosing the right orthodontic treatment is a significant decision, and before you select an option, you must consider your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Knowing both dental treatments’ pros and cons helps you understand them better and make the right decision.

If you want to straighten your teeth with an orthodontic treatment and need guidance, contact Sunshine Dental Group. Our experienced team will analyse your teeth and help you make the right choice for your orthodontic journey. Book a consultation now.


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