Dental Implants Dentist Anchorage

Dental Implants

Tooth loss is a common dental issue affecting many people worldwide. A person may lose their tooth due to various reasons like an injury, disease, or severe decay. Losing a tooth may significantly impact your self-confidence as it affects your looks. It can also cause other problems like difficulty chewing or speaking. 

Dental implants are a famous tooth replacement solution involving the placement of a tiny titanium post into the jawbone. As time passes, the implant infuses with the bone to form a firm foundation for a replacement tooth. Implants are best for replacing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even complete dentures. 

A dental implant can replace a tooth lost due to periodontal disease, tooth decay, or injury. The look and feel of implants are similar to that of natural teeth. However, they offer the added benefit of preserving the health of your jawbone and preventing the deterioration that may arise when teeth are missing. 

Denntal Implant

Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants require a lot of preparation before the surgery itself, which is why the entire procedure, from start to end, may take up to several months to complete. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand the dental implant procedure.  

Preparatory Precautions

1.   Initial Consultation – The first step to any dental treatment is consultation. An initial consultation with a specialist will help you understand whether or not you are a candidate for dental implants. 

2.   Comprehensive Examination – The next step is a comprehensive examination by your dentist. They will examine your dental health and review your medical history to determine the perfect treatment plan. Also, your dentist may take impressions of your gums and teeth and dental x-rays of your jaw to study the area of the missing tooth well. 

3.   CT Scan of the Mouth: In some cases, there will be a need for a computer tomography scan. This will make your dentist aware of what he has to work with. In addition, such scans assist dentists in understanding how much jawbone is available for the implant and if there’s a need for bone grafting.  

4.  Nerves and Sinuses: CT scans help the dentist locate structures like the sinuses and nerves. It is important not to disturb these structures during implant surgery. 

Bone Grafting

If the x-rays or CT scans show you don’t have enough jaw bone to hold an implant, the dentist will discuss options for bone build-up.

Bone grafting must be done to ensure sufficient bone for the post to embed itself in. 

Augmenting your jaw involves taking bone from other parts of your jaw, hip, or chin and placing it in your jaw so that an implant can be placed deep into your mouth.

Another alternative to bone grafting is a bone distraction. It’s a surgical procedure that pushes the body to grow more bone at the site where it’s required. The process involves using pins and screws to pull apart existing bone, thus causing your body to produce more bone to fill in the gaps. If any of these procedures are to be performed before you can get a dental implant, it will probably take several months for the bone to be ready for grafting and implantation. 

Traditional Method

The traditional method involves two procedures performed three to six months apart.  

      •   Initial Incision: In the first procedure, a small part of your gums will be cut where the implant has to be placed. This cut will give the dentist access to the tooth socket where the missing teeth used to be.
      •   Cutting and Drilling: Your dentist will drill right into the bone through the cut. This must be done to place the metal implant or post into the hole in your bone. Once the implantation is complete, the incision is stitched and left for a few months to promote healing.
      •   Healing Period and Second Procedure: After three to six months, a new cut to expose the implant will be made when the healing is complete. This cut will allow the dentist to screw a healing cap or collar on the stud.
      •   Healing Cap Removal: The healing cap is made to induce healing of the surrounding gum tissue. After a few weeks, the healing cap is removed.
      •   Abutment and Crown Placement: The abutment is placed as a supportive element to the final crown. The abutment is essential as it ensures a tight fit for the crown, preventing it from getting dislodged due to human biting forces.

One Stage Process

A traditional dental implant procedure may seem too long to some patients so they may prefer one-stage implant dentistry. However, this treatment is less common, and its availability depends on your choice of clinic or dentist. 

This procedure involves placing the implant, abutment, and a temporary crown or bridge all in one visit. The gum healing goes through an already completed implant setup, and there’s no need for healing caps. 

An advantage of this process is there are no incisions and stitches done repeatedly for three to six months. However, this method carries the risk of complications as traditional implants give your body enough time to get used to the placement of the implant in comparison to this procedure. 

Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants may vary depending upon various factors like the number of teeth required to be replaced, the line of treatment, your dentist’s location and experience. 

Implants are made to last for decades, which is why they have a higher cost than other procedures that offer missing teeth replacement.  

A single dental implant’s average cost can be between $3,800 to $6,500. However, the cost of the complete procedure may be more if additional treatments are required before placing a dental implant. 

If you want to know the actual cost of getting dental implants done, call us on (03) 9133 8657 or drop an email at [email protected].  


How much does a tooth implant cost near Victoria?

Dental implants may cost more or less, depending on your location in Victoria. For example, a single tooth dental implant may cost you around $4,500 in Melbourne. However, you may expect to pay anything between $3,500 to $6,500. The cost of a tooth implant is dependent on various factors. Hence, providing an exact quote for the same isn’t possible. You may expect the implant cost to go up or down depending on the implant post material, preparatory price, sedation dentistry options, dental insurance and financing. It is best to consult a trustworthy dentist in your neighbourhood to know the exact cost of a tooth implant.  

Are dental implants worth the money?

Yes. It is a known fact that dental implants are an expensive dental treatment in comparison to other teeth replacement options. However, the results offered by dental implants are much better than any other treatment. Implants are almost permanent as they can serve you for 20 to 25 years. Moreover, their look is similar to that of your natural teeth, so not many people will ever be able to say that you have a missing tooth. Also, they demand no special care or maintenance. You need to look after them just like you do for your natural teeth, including brushing, flossing, dental check-ups, etc.    

What are the cheaper dental implant alternatives?

If you want to replace your missing tooth but not spend too much on a treatment like dental implants, you can choose from the cheaper alternatives available. However, with these alternatives, you cannot expect results that may be achieved with dental implants. Instead, you may go for treatments like full or partial dentures, crowns, bridges, single tooth dental implants, and non-surgical dental implants. Which option is the best for you will depend on your mouth’s condition. Get your mouth examined by an expert, and they will be able to tell you better about the best options for you. 



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